Get Access To Resources And Professional Networks That You Can’t Get Anywhere Else With Student Membership.
Start to establish and build a successful future in internal audit while you study, with access to critical professional knowledge, guidance and information:
Applications for Membership
The organisation desiring to sponsor its eligible individual nominees for membership under CSM shall submit their applications in duplicate in the prescribed form along with the applicable admission fee and the first annual subscription to the Chapter which is nearest (viz, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata) and specify the addressee to whom all communications for the sponsoring organisation as well as the nominated individual members should be addressed.
Get Access To Resources And Professional Networks That You Can’t Get Anywhere Else With Student Membership.
Start to establish and build a successful future in internal audit while you study, with access to critical professional knowledge, guidance and information:
The profession’s standards, the International Professional Practices Framework.
Best practice guides.
Online access to the global journal, Internal Auditor.
Technical updates on research, and emerging issues and practice.
Reduced rates on courses, webinars and conferences.
Attend members meetings and special interest groups.
To be eligible for Student Membership, you are required to be a full-time student and resident of India.
Annual Fees (INR)
Entrance Fees (INR)
One Year
We have Moved to Rolling Membership
To become a student member, complete the Student Membership form. click on Registration.